Kuvera's Boke


Offence: give and take

'Nigger' by Drek Davis
Nigger by Drek Davis

Two BBC News stories that were originally posted within 25 minutes of each other today:

  • Race complaint over Dandy reprint

    Publishing giant DC Thomson has been criticised after it reprinted a 1939 annual which contained racist references to black people. A reader condemned the inclusion of a comic strip from the original 1939 Dandy annual which included a term deemed unacceptable in modern society."

  • 'Offensive' poster banned on Tube

    London Underground (LU) has been accused of censorship after refusing to put up posters for a comedy show. LU said adverts for the show Pride and Prejudice and Niggas by African-American comedian Reginald D Hunter were 'likely to offend'."
  • Labels: , , ,


    The glamorous world of content facilitation

    Kim Fletcher in today's Guardian on the continued need for those of us who cut, correct and rearrange in order to make writing worth reading...
